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Terms of Service

Effective Date: February 18, 2024
Last Updated On: August 5, 2024

Privacy Policy

This privacy policy may be updated at any time, so please review it frequently.


I respect your work and your information. Any creative work, personal information, or voluntary testimonial you share with me during our time working together is safe and will not be shared—or otherwise used—without your written consent. I will never sell, trade, rent, or otherwise abuse your personal information in any way.


Scheduling and Agreeing to Work Together

After we've decided if we are a good fit, through any sample edits or discussions over e-mail or video call, we can move forward with scheduling project start dates and turnaround times. I will do my best to meet your scheduling needs and pick times that work for both of us. Once a deposit has been made, and an agreement has been signed, your project dates are secured in my calendar. If you have more urgent time constraints, turnaround can be slightly reduced for an additional fee. For all parties to which this applies, please contact me.


Once we've entered an agreement, I ask that all manuscripts be submitted to me via e-mail in standard Microsoft Word format (1" margins, 12-point Times New Roman font) and no later than 1 day before the proposed project start date. If an author cannot deliver their manuscript within this timeframe, the original delivery date may be extended.


Follow-Up and Revisions​

For all editorial services, I offer written feedback or a post-edit discussion over call. This includes any responses to follow-up questions related to your manuscript after the service has been delivered. Follow-up questions are always welcome at no additional charge to you.​


Payment Policy

For all services with a flat fee of two hundred U.S. Dollars ($200) or less, full payment is due upon signature of our agreement. For all services with flat fees over two hundred U.S. Dollars ($200), it is my policy that a 50% deposit of the total project fee is received upon signature of our agreement and before we move forward with the editing of your manuscript. The remaining balance of the total project fee is to be paid and cleared upon delivery of the manuscript. However, you may make the full flat fee payment at any time. If the submitted manuscript's word count is longer or shorter than discussed in the agreement, the total project fee will be adjusted accordingly. Payment plans are available upon request.



You reserve the right to terminate our agreement in the event of a change of circumstance. However, due to the time-intensive and comprehensive nature of my editorial services, I cannot offer full refunds after I begin work on your project. You are still liable for work performed up to the cancellation date. If editing has not begun at the time of your request for termination, I will happily refund your deposit via your original payment method within one week of receiving your written request.



After we complete a project together, I may ask you to provide a testimonial regarding your experience with my services. You do not have to leave one. However, if you do, I reserve the right to edit it for clarity and length (without changing your meaning), and publish it under your name (first name, or first name and last initial) on this website and in other media and marketing materials.


Right to Refuse Service

I reserve the right to respectfully decline the chance to work on a manuscript if I don’t think it is a good fit. This is a decision that I will make before signing a contract or entering into an editorial relationship with you. Similarly, you have the right to decline the chance to work with me before signing an agreement if you don’t feel like I’m a good fit for you or your manuscript.



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